The Breville One-Touch CoffeeHouse does everything you need with one single touch from espresso, latte and cappuccino.

Breville One-Touch CoffeeHouse review
Breville One-Touch CoffeeHouse

The Breville one touch coffee house review

It’s also equipped with a pump that allows you to reach 19 bars to provide the right pressure while brewing coffee. Built-in with three thermal sensors to deliver an ideal and consistent temperature. It’s the perfect low budget solution to achieve high standards.

The machine enables us to choose between coffee grounds or coffee pods.

There are two different settings according to the size of the cup we want to brew. One single touch is for a single shot espresso, one small latte or a small cappuccino. Another single touch is for a larger size.

If not happy with these settings, there’s also a button that permits to create our own recipes or other drinks like ristretto, macchiato, cortado or flat white.

Coffee grounds

For coffee grounds, it’s highly recommended to grind the coffee with a burr grinder just before brewing. The reason why we want to brew fresh coffee it’s because coffee is hygroscopic so it’s going to absorb all the water from the air by facilitating the oxidation process.

The Breville one touch coffee machine pods

In case we don’t have time to ground our coffee, the machine allows us to use the ese pods.

ese pods for breville one touch

The ese (easy serving espresso) pods are about 44 millimetres and are the standard size for most of the pod machines since the 1970s when they were created by Illy.

The Breville one touch coffee machine: the milk steaming


To froth the milk, we need to fill the container with the amount of milk we need. The cool and practical thing is that we can take the milk container out and store it in the fridge. This is extrem

Breville machine coffeehouse review
Breville machine coffeehouse milk container is up to 600ml capacity

ely recommended because we aim to start steaming the milk at its best temperature, which is about 4-5 degrees.

It’s also recommended to try different milk: first with different full-fat milk and then with some semi-skimmed milk if we think the full-fat ones are too overpowering.

Breville one touch coffeehouse milk container

The milk container is about 600 millilitres, which the company says, it allows to steam around 10 cappuccinos or 4 lattes, a perfect amount of drink that can be shared in a group.

We can steam the milk once we have the fresh milk ready. We just need to set the froth control: to the right, we increase the pressure increasing our foamy texture while turning left we decrease the pressure for a less foamy texture like the latte drink.

Another suggestion is to avoid tap water, especially in London, where the water is too hard.

Breville coffeehouse machine review grey

It is, therefore, better to use filtered water or the one from the grocery such as Waitrose essential, Tesco Ashbeck and Volvic. This also helps to prevent limescale from the machine.

Breville One-Touch VCF Coffee Machine features

The machine is also easy to clean: the Breville One-Touch VCF Coffee Machine features an automatic cleaning cycle. However, like the milk container, the drip tray is also removable and can be cleaned in the kitchen sink without leaving any mess around.

The Breville One-Touch CoffeeHouse comes in three different colours such as Granite Gray & Rose gold, Black & Chrome or White & Rose Gold

Breville One-Touch CoffeeHouse machine UK price

The price is now drastically reduced.

Breville One-Touch Coffee Machine Currys

The machine can be purchased ( for sale) at the price of £149.00 from Currys.

Stop making your day difficult and enjoy your morning coffee with a fresh single touch just from your home.




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